I remember being where you are at! Worried that I wasn't experienced or conditioned enough to challenge myself to be healthier. Or I was dreaming too big and was being unrealistic with my goals. I'm going to tell you that is complete BU$$S@#T!!! Everyone has to start somewhere! My 3 year journey took me to the top of Pinnacle at Crowders Mountain after many failed attempts, and nowhere in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would be walking across an NPC stage to compete. Whether you believe in divine intervention or the power of the universe, Everyone has a purpose and it is time you start living out yours!
How did I achieve such success with my transformation? How did I get started? How did I overcome roadblocks?
1. If the plan doesn't work, change the plan, but never the goal! If you can’t get a seat at the table, BUILD YOUR OWN TABLE!
2. Have patience!
3. Surround yourself with those that force you to level up! These individuals genuinely love and support you, and see your full potential.
4. Self-Love – Believe in yourself! Know that you are capable, full of abundance, and doing the best you can. Don’t beat yourself up over the small stuff. You are worthy and deserve every blessing you have coming to you! Own it!!
So I challenge you; What path are you going to blaze? What is your mark going to be? I dare you to join me in creating that footprint and igniting your passion that will lead to a legacy of change.
If you are ready to ascend and illuminate that phenomenal women you already are and take your growth game to another level; schedule a consult with me so we can chat about my individualized programs that are designed just for YOU, regardless of your fitness level, and because one size does not fit all.
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